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Mining Companies
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Tau Capital Corp (Tau) is an investor-operator, specializing in the securing and development of mineral exploration projects. Tau has successfully invested and operated its projects since 1997.
Tau Ken Samruk is the holding company for the Kazakh government’s stakes in some of the country’s largest metals and mining companies.
Transition Metals is a multi-commodity mineral exploration company that focuses on the discovery of ore deposits in Canada using the project-generator business model. The company has 30 highly prospective early stage properties encompassing roughly 2,000 km2 in Canada.
Veris Gold Corp. (TSX: VG) (OTCQB:YNGFF) (Frankfurt Xetra Exchange: NG6A) Veris Gold Corp. is a growing mid-tier North American gold producer in the business of developing and operating gold mines in geo-politically stable jurisdictions.